IT Services in Calgary (Questions/Answers)

IT services companies focus on the health and function of a company’s IT systems. This is completely different than a focus on fixing computers and servers when they break down or slow down.

Will IT Services Calgary Make Your Day Any Better?

Will it make my day – my life – better?

That’s the real question you are asking yourself about hiring an IT services company here in Calgary.

Sure, you know that you need someone to regularly check up on your computer systems and test for viruses and the like.

But you know that there is a higher level of IT support out there.

You’ve heard other business leaders talk about IT services. – What’s that?

IT services are the next rung up the ladder from IT support.

Sure, helpdesk and troubleshooting (IT support) are two of the services offered by Calgary IT services companies, but there is much more.

What Services Are Offered By Professional IT Services Providers?

See the difference?

IT services companies focus on the health and function of a company’s IT systems. This is completely different than a focus on fixing computers and servers when they break down or slow down.

So back to our question…

Will IT Services Delivered by a Calgary Provider Make Your Day Any Better?

That depends! – What kind of day are you having?

If you’re reading this article at your beach house surrounded by sun, sand, and grandkids. – Nope, we can’t make your day any better than it already is!

But if you’re the guy that’s in one of these situations…we can help!

Are you…

  • Spending valuable time doing endless computer updates, upgrades, and patches?
  • Frustrated because your employees keep running to you complaining about computer glitches?
  • Confused about what hardware and software to buy?
  • Worried about your company’s weak cybersecurity posture?
  • Irritated – knowing that better technology is out there that will make your processes run better resulting in better profitability?
  • Angry about big, surprise break/fix technology repair bills?

If you find yourself in one of the above circumstances…


IT services can definitely make your day better.

How Does IT Services Improve The Day Of The Calgary Business Leader?

  • An Entire Team On Your Side

Bringing in an outside team to care for your IT environment, answer your staff’s questions, and address your employee’s technology concerns may be the best gift you give yourself in your business this year. Because the managed IT services model is driven by an inclusive monthly subscription model, your outsourced IT services team is financially incentivized to care for your IT environment and keep technology problems off your desk.

  • A Subscription Model that Makes Budgeting Easy

It used to be that IT budgeting was a “shot in the dark” – an educated guess based on what went wrong last year.

What if IT bills didn’t have to sneak up on you?

What if you could just pay a flat monthly rate and receive all the IT care, maintenance, operational monitoring, and security your systems need.

That would make your day better, right?

IT services are the model you’ve been looking for.

  • Employees That Have Answers and Are Equipped to Get Their Jobs Done Efficiently

When computers, servers, and cloud applications don’t work as they should, your employee’s productivity takes a nose dive. For a while, your employees may enjoy this slower pace. But when they realize that the same amount of work must be accomplished, they quickly get frustrated with IT assets that are slow or don’t work correctly.

Who do they blame?

That’s right – You.

IT services is the solution. By applying the skills of an IT services provider to your IT systems, you can provide a stable, secure, and efficient computerized working environment for your employees. This scenario results in happier, more productive – and less complaining – employees.

What Does IT Services Cost?

There’s no way to put an accurate dollar figure in an article like this. There are just too many variables. The size of your business. The complexity of your IT environment. The use of remote employees or satellite locations. Compliance requirements. All of these things and more factor into the equation of what it takes to provide a complete IT management service to your organization.

But here’s a different question…

What is your time, your employee’s inefficiency, and technology breakdowns costing you right now?

Wouldn’t that money be better spent on a holistic approach of keeping your IT systems healthy, secure, and efficient?

IT services are the technology care model that accomplishes this goal.

What Should You Look For In An IT Services Provider?

  • Find an IT services team that lives, works, and plays right here in the Calgary area. – There are a lot of companies that want to take your money to do remote support from another province or country. Although much can be done remotely, there is no substitute for having a team just across town that you can call on in an emergency.
  • Find an IT services team that specializes in your industry. – Each industry is different. Each business has unique workflows and processes that must be supported by tailored IT systems. For this reason, it’s essential to have a team on your side that understands how your internal processes work and knows what to do to craft an IT solution that undergirds those processes. (Note: Not every IT services company will specialize in all industries. However, there is enough workflow crossover between some industries for an IT support provider to feel comfortable in caring for a company that is outside of their list of industry niches.)
  • Find an IT services company that has a wide array of technical expertise. – As your organization grows, the care of your technology will grow in complexity. Because of this, it’s important that the IT services provider you are considering have the skillset needed to support you as you scale.
  • Find an IT services company that is responsive. – There’s little worse in a business relationship than emails and phone calls are not returned. If the IT support partner you are considering has difficulty being responsive during the initial stages of your relationship, it’s a warning sign.

Looking for more helpful and informative articles? We have them for you HERE.