What is the Modern Workplace in Calgary? (Benefits/Implementation)

What is the Modern Workplace? Why should businesses in Calgary care? Carl Fransen breaks it down piece by piece.

How to Make the Shift to the Modern Workplace Starting Now

The recent shift in how we have to do business is opening our eyes to the possibilities and benefits of the modern workplace. It’s a whole new way of working with the ability to conduct business anywhere on your own device. We can choose when and how we want to work. And we have the opportunity to collaborate with partners across the globe.

If you’re starting to realize that it’s time to make a move, then you might wonder what tools are available to help you develop a modern workplace. We have a few suggestions to get you started.

The Big Picture: The Future Is Now

You can start the transition from a brick and mortar business to a virtual version of what you do, by asking questions.

What Can My Company Do Better?

Considering the recent changes in the way we do business, your answer to what your business can do better might be different than it was at the beginning of 2020. While many businesses are scrambling to keep their doors open, others are opting for ways to establish a modern workplace for their employees.

And many businesses are finding ways to continue to serve their customers virtually, online.

According to a study from Global Workplace Analytics, 77 percent of workers say that they want to work from home, even when going back to the office is an option again. Maybe one of the things that your company can do better is to offer remote work as an ongoing option.

If you think about the modern office, longterm, you’ll be one step ahead of your competition.

Additionally, consider moving data storage offsite and make the information available digitally to your team. If you’re already doing these things, maybe it’s time to think about better IT security.

How Can I Take Advantage of New Technology?

The biggest challenge for any company as they contemplate the modern workplace is envisioning what technology will work best for security, reliability, and productivity. Before you can take advantage of new technology, you need to know what’s available.

First, understand your goals, be it setting your team up for success with remote work, storing clients’ files in the cloud to save money on overhead, or tightening up security on your company website. There are a variety of APPS and platforms that suit your needs. Next, it’s wise to take a look at your competitors and others who are using technology to improve their business.

Look to the Winners for Inspiration

What are they doing that works? And how can you adapt some of those ideas to your modern workplace? Twitter, Square, Google, and Facebook are a few of the big names that are giving their employees the option to work from home.

Your company doesn’t have to be a tech giant to take advantage of the available opportunities, however.

Cloud Technology

Think of the cloud as a virtual space that can connect users. You can also use the cloud to store digital information. The cloud, itself, doesn’t take up any physical space, and you can share and access it from anywhere via an internet connection. You may already use cloud products such as Microsoft 365 or software as a service (SaaS). Other types of cloud computing include platform as a service (PaaS), and also Infrastructure as a service (IaaS). Think of a cloud system as having a front end (client/user side) and a back end (storage/data/security) with a central server that manages the network and its traffic.

As you build your modern workplace, you can add, adapt, and build upon the structure you have in place. If you don’t have an in-house IT department, you can hire IT experts to provide solutions and fully managed services, if needed.

Team Collaboration

One reason that some businesses are hesitant to adopt a modern workplace is a concern that they’ll lose ways to collaborate or talk over issues as they arise. With platforms such as Slack for messaging and Zoom and Google Meeting to make talking virtually, in person, a breeze, even elementary schools are noticing the benefits of virtual get-togethers with their classes. Imagine how you can use these video technologies to adapt your business to a modern workplace.

Microsoft 365 offers an all-in-one platform that makes your virtual office even more convenient. With messaging that rivals Slack and video conferencing built into Microsoft Teams, there’s no need to have multiple subscriptions. Plus, you get the power of Microsoft Office in the cloud. What this means for your employees is seamless communication and collaboration in a remote environment.

Opportunity is Knocking

Truthfully, most businesses will need an IT consultant if they don’t have an IT department that can help them realize their vision and goals— especially as their modern workplace grows. Regardless, right now, opportunity is knocking. Are you going to answer by offering your team a modern workplace? What can you do better?

CTECH Consulting Group is an award-winning IT services firm and one of the top Microsoft cloud partners in Canada. We work with organizations across Calgary and Southern Alberta, as a managed IT services provider. We also help organizations make a move to the modern workplace using technologies found in Microsoft Office 365. Get in touch for a free consultation.

Click here to get started or call us at (403) 457-1478.